Thursday, April 4, 2019

7 Amazing Pinterest Automation Tools To Reduce Your Marketing Struggles

Pinterest is one of the most famous social networking platforms of this era. It holds around 250 million and counting monthly active users. It is believed to be the most creative social platform of today’s time because of the high-quality images, videos, and GIFs sharing takes place over it.

But there is also a flip side to which many of you might be unaware that it gets underrated similar times. Despite the fact, it is giving tough competition to all the leading social media platforms of these days including Facebook to Instagram, Twitter, and many more.

Great online visible presence over Pinterest can make your business boost like exponentially within less span of time. Because millions of people are using it nowadays for brands promotions and marketing. So, if you still don’t have a Pinterest business account then make it as early as possible.

This post is entirely concentrated on the information regarding the different types of Pinterest automation tools. That you can use for making your Pinterest business account potent and extremely eye-catching. So have a look!!


Tailwind is one of the Pinterest tools that gets used for a number of daily marketing activities. You can make use of it for scheduling pins, discovering new content, reaching more and more people, and monitoring all your conversations. It also assists you with the features to keep track and measure your online presence.


It is also one of the all-in-one Pinterest tools that consist of several useful properties. By using it you can upload multiple pins simultaneously without any hassle. It could be used for scheduling pins to the number of boards of Pinterest social media accounts. The browser extension of this tool allows you to pin directly from any of the websites over the web. This tool also consists of on-chip photo editor tool that can help you while create high-quality images to post on Pinterest.


This software helps you find most apt Pinterest boards with complete ease. It also caters users with the number of filters, so, you can find the most relevant boards as per your needs. This tool can also be get integrated with different Pinterest tools like Tailwind.


This tool basically focuses only on one attribute that is content creation. It is one of the niche-based Pinterest tools. This tool can get used by business marketers to craft brilliant and high-level content for posting on Pinterest. That’s would directly enhance your brand value and makes a significant difference.


This tool consists of a feature named PinPage bookmarklet that allows you to take a snapshot of any of the browser page and share with others as a pin on Pinterest. This tool is best to use when it comes to sharing pins instantly with others on different social media channels.



This is also one of the niche-focused Pinterest tools that basically works for one feature and that is to search and unfollow people who don’t follow you back. So, if you want to unfollow all of the people that don’t follow you back on Pinterest then this is the most relevant tool for you.

These are some of the best Pinterest automation software. By using them, you would manage your Pinterest business account like a professional.

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